News & Events

  • The First Conscientious Objector Medal of Honor Recipient

    As we approach the Medal of Honor convention here in Charleston beginning next week, the next in a series on Medal of Honor recipients is one of the most amazing, […]

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  • New Medal of Honor recipient, Staff Sergeant Salvatore Giunta, United States Army

    On a date to be determined by the White House, the first living recipient in a war since Vietnam, Staff Sergeant (SSGT) Salvatore Giunta, United States Army, will receive the […]

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  • The Whale in Vietnam

    Our newest aircraft the Douglas A-3D, Skywarrior aka Whale, served during the Vietnam War. Its primary mission in the EA-3 variant was to warn Navy, Marine Corps and Air Force […]

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  • Medal of Honor Invitational Golf Tournament

    In conjunction with the Medal of Honor Convention to be held in Charleston 29 September to 03 October, there will be a Medal of Honor Invitational Golf Tournament to be […]

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  • Patriot Day and Scout Surge 911

    Over 300 scouts, scouters, military and family members took part in the Patriot Day commemorative program at Patriots Point this past Saturday. The ceremony started with a striking of the […]

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  • Patriot Day, September 11, 2010

    Saturday morning at 8 a.m. gates open for visitors to walk aboard the USS Yorktown at Patriots Point for our Patriot Day commemorative program. Our color guard will consist of […]

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  • Henry and John Laurens

    South Carolinian Henry Laurens and his son John Laurens both played pivotal roles in the American Revolution.  Both father and son’s life histories  were influenced by events at Yorktown, Virginia. […]

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  • 03 September 1783 – Independence Day?

    Lots of Americans know the significance of 01 September (Germany invaded Poland) and 02 September (VJ Day), but rare is the individual who knows the significance of 03 September. In […]

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  • A Hero's Hero: Part II

    Here is the rest of Colonel Murray’s story…read here if you missed the first part… He knew that this bridge like the first would be mined. Lt. Murray considered using […]

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  • A Hero's Hero! Part I

    Everyone has a hero, someone you admire and wish to become. Scottish philosopher Thomas Carlyle wrote, “Show me the man you honor, and I will know what kind of man […]

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COVID-19 Notice

Due to health safety measures related to COVID-19, structured, in-person education programs have been suspended. Please consider booking a guided or self-guided tour for your group.

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COVID-19 Notice

Due to health safety measures related to COVID-19, our overnight camping program has been suspended. Please consider joining our exclusive list to be among the first to learn when the program relaunches.

Interested in booking a day group visit to see our museum? Discounted rates for 10+ people.

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