Navy Week Events Update
12 April One hundred and forty ninth anniversary of the firing on Fort Sumter and the beginning of our nation's darkest hours.
13 April 10 AM to 6 PM SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) Tour at Patriots Point

14 April 10 AM to 6 PM SEAL (Sea, Air and Land) Tour at Patriots Point
15 April 10 AM to 6 PM Navy Day at Patriots Point, includes the following events: SEAL Tour, flight simulator tour, USS Yorktown sixty-seventh birthday celebration (2 PM to 3:15 PM)...guest speaker RADM Goodwin, United States Navy Band performance from 3 PM to 4 PM.

17 April 09 AM to 6 PM United States Navy flight simulator at Patriots Point, The Citadel Naval Reserve Officer Training Corp will be working various classes with scouts and youth onboard USS Yorktown.