It was a shock to learn of the passing of Bill Hall, Sr., Chairman of our Board. He had served less than a year, but it didn’t take long for Chairman Hall to have an impact on Patriots Point. With the experience and leadership of a lifetime of management successes most people can only dream of, he could see things others didn’t and his insistence on service to customers will impact what we do for a long time to come.

Chairman Hall’s leadership will be deeply missed, not just by Patriots Point and not just in Charleston, but by the entire South Carolina hospitality and tourism community. Bill’s attention to detail and passion for excellence lifted those around him and inspired us to strive to be the best every day.
Most who had the pleasure of meeting Bill, later said they felt like they had a connection as though he was a friend they’ve known their entire life. We’ll miss his vision, as well as his laugh and friendship.
Our hearts and thoughts continue to be with the Hall family as they grieve the loss of a wonderful and talented man.
Patriots Point Development Authority Board of Directors