Former crew members of the USS Yorktown held a "Meet and Greet" on Saturday, 02 October 2010, for visitors onboard. They talked about their service on the "Fighting Lady" and signed a limited edition poster of the USS Yorktown in its World War II and Vietnam configurations. A couple even brought their old scrapbooks filled with pictures and letters of their service.

The former crewmen were busy from 10 am until 2 pm, as visitors young and old stood in line to chat with them and get their autographs. Unfortunately, this is becoming a rare occurrence with the loss of our World War II and Korean veterans to Father Time.

The youth particularly enjoyed matching up the faces of these crew members with their young profiles posted on the placards behind them. See a few below.

We look forward to next year's "Meet and Greet!" Thanks Yorktowners, for your service and the memories!